Most people get the EBV when they are young and have few, if any, effects. It doesn't go away, it just sits there doing nothing bad. I've no doubt that I am one of those people.
The problem is that having a stem-cell transplant can leave you open to reactivation of the virus at a time when resistance is low.
So it's no surprise that, after a couple of weeks of having mildly-raised EBV markers (less than 1000, then 2239), on Monday (T+96 days) the marker count was through the roof at >45000 and I was diagnosed with Glandular Fever. With my returning facial hair and swollen neck-glands I look like a rather strange hamster.
Rituximab is the weapon of choice so I had my first of at least three weekly infusions of the stuff yesterday. It's not the most pleasant of cures.
Nearly made it to the T+100 days milestone without a major infection. I would "chin up" if it didn't hurt so much to do so. Ah well. As Matthias said, "Could be worse".