On the subject of Ciclosporin, it's the only drug in my TTO stash that's "variable-dose". In theory they measure what's in me every time I provide a blood sample in clinic, and if the levels aren't right they call me later to tell me to adjust the dose.
Curiously, the never-before-seen specialist registrar that assessed me and my results in Thursday's clinic didn't mention a dose-change despite having the test results right in front of her (yes, the results were available to her because the consultation was 4 hours and ten minutes late).
But a few minutes ago I took a call from one of the BMTU senior nurses... my ciclosporin level was low on Thursday... can I increase the dose from 100mg to 125mg from Saturday morning onwards?
Well, no, I can't. In its infinite wisdom, the hospital pharmacy provided only 100mg capsules when I was discharged, and those capsules can't be divided.
So it's looking like another trip to Leicester tomorrow to collect a prescription for smaller capsules... if they can find a bank-holiday weekend doc to write up the script.
And there I was, looking forward to a relaxing long weekend.