Archive for May 2022

Wading through deeper treacle

Posted by on May 31st 2022 in Pics, Site update

Turns out that the figure in the pic above was woefully inaccurate - at last check I'd fixed over 500 more links, but the true total of broken image links is now 2197.

While I'm fixing stuff I'm also doing some pruning and pollarding, so some of the less-interesting posts have been consigned to the bin.

You never know, I might even get everything up & running before another plug-in "upgrade" screws it up again.

Top priority is the fixing of all posts in the Lakes Escapes category (be advised that clicking that link will bring up many pics, so it will take a while to load). I may well be stuck here for the foreseeable, but I'll always want to be back in Wainwright territory, wading through snow rather than treacle: