Managed to get a few sunspot shots during a short break from trimming the hedges yesterday.
I used a less-dense solar filter (ND 3.8 as opposed to the ND 5.0 that I've used before) which lets through more light allowing much shorter exposures in order to "freeze" the seeing. I also had a play with various magnifications - 1x (prime focus), 2x (Powermate) and 4x (Powermate + Barlow).
All 50/4000 stacked frames, DMK mono CCD camera on the C80ED-R, Baader Planetarium AstroSolar™ Safety Film (ND 3.8) with #58 Green and IR-cut filters.
There's a reference image at the end in case you're wondering what's where:
Active Regions 1528, 1529, 1530 & 1532 (26/07/2012).
1x (prime focus).
Active Regions 1529, 1530 & 1532 (26/07/2012).
2x (Powermate).
Active Region 1532 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Active Region 1530 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Active Region 1529 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Active Region 1528 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Active Region 1531 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Active Region 1526 (26/07/2012).
4x (Powermate + Barlow).
Reference image from SOHO.