You wait… and you wait… and then you go ape-shit

Posted by @ 1:02 pm on Monday 28th March, 2022.

More on that MaxFax saga...

I called the UHL Fooking Office today, regarding that pair of appointments:




The phone-jockey said that the appointment for 29th March had been cancelled on the 24th... the same day that the 31st March appointment was generated.

Clearly they must think that I'm psychic, as the second letter doesn't say anything about any cancellation or postponement.

Then the phone-jockey claimed that on 24th March they sent out a separate letter regarding the cancellation. Now, I'd have thought that it would have been in the same postal run as the new appointment, and would have arrived here on Saturday 26th. Indeed, any sane person would have detailed the cancellation in the second appointment letter... or would have put both letters in the one envelope. But no, common-sense did not prevail.

So far I've seen neither hide nor hair of said cancellation letter, so I reckon I've been fed yet another helping of admin cop-out bullshit.

As I said, there really is no foreseeable end to the sorry tale of UHL Booking Office's ineptitude.

And yes, I understand that their "no tolerance anti-abuse policy" covers telephone conversations...

but I've got news for them...

I have a similar policy, mine covers abuse of my patience, and includes an anti-bullshit clause.

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