Houston, we have cleared the tower…

Posted by @ 12:00 pm on Tuesday 24th July, 2007.
Categories: Blog on Blog, Projects

Welcome to the new blog.

I'll start with an apology to all you folk that have been following my old blog (http://bgontheweb.spaces.live.com/) using RSS feed readers - I know it'll be a hassle to change the settings to follow this one, sorry about that!

And then there all those hyperlinks to change on all those blogrolls...

Why the move? Well, Windows Live Spaces was fine as a starter blog, being a simple one-page format, but as my plans developed it was becoming clear that WLS would not be able to accommodate all that I want to achieve. This free WordPress blog is a step closer, I'll give it a try-out for a few months and then decide whether to stick with it or go for a full hosted WP jobbie and all the customisation potential that comes with it.

As (or should that be "if"?) you trawl around the site, please bear in mind that some bits are still in the construction phase, and others are experimental and liable to change. If you find any glaring errors, or just want to make your mark, sling me some feedback on the appropriate page, and I'll attend to matters ASAP.

Have fun!


8 Responses to “Houston, we have cleared the tower…”

  1. Well done that man. May I be one of the first to post a comment here without having to sell my soul (again) to do so. Huzzah.

  2. john hee says:

    .....and I'll be the second

    Get back to the house renovation now!

  3. lighthiker says:

    Welcome from another Wordpress blogger to the Wordpress side of the blogging world!
    Links and Feeds already updated and I'm waiting for more details on the tent. Weight, give me a weight...;-))

  4. BG! says:

    Hiya, Folks - thanks for the comments.

    Hey, Roman - you won't be very impressed with the tent's weight, I would be embarrassed to tell you. Mind you, if you can work out what tent it is, I can just stay quiet and keep out of the "what is lightweight?" debate. Suffice to say that it's sub-6kg. 🙂

  5. lighthiker says:

    Hey Stef,

    just came back from the OutDoor fair in Friedrichshafen where they had a tent city with many tents set up and your new one looks pretty much like this:
    Looks a bit like a Akto clone with better ventilation, roomier and more weight. Also seems reasonably priced to me. Vango states 3kg and 2.65kg usable weight whatever that means.
    If I'm right I'm waiting for your first usage test and of course for the prize for best guess...;-)

  6. Andy Howell says:

    Welcome to the Sunny Side 🙂

  7. BG! says:

    Andy - thanks for the welcome. Unnervingly, "Sunny Side" is the name of the local retirement home... is that where you're based now? 🙂

    Roman - good man, you named that tent in one! It is indeed a Vango Spectre 200. Cost £62.99, free UK delivery. I've not weighed it yet, but I reckon I could chop 500g off it easily, with a bit of warranty-invalidating modding. I suppose that I'll have to field-test it before I butcher it, though, so we may be waiting a while until I can reveal details of the the slimline version. Hang in there while I figure out what your prize is!

  8. Sally says:

    At last it will be so much easier to post a comment now..... i always have trouble with the other 🙂

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