THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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Free Speech: you may well have the right to it, but you've no right to compel me to a) listen to it, or b) publish it!
Or perhaps you have a Scottish stalker?
Points 2, 4 and particularly 6 are bang on the money. Or maybe it's just the beard 😀
1. Is there a quota?
2. Are Scots going down to England and using up comments that (the) English could have written?
3. Are our comments being supplied by English taxpayers and then emailed north?
4. Have you posted a question about West Lothian recently?
5. Do people think you are Scotch because you are a jovial, generous git with a beard?
6. Is it something to do with your IP address being detected as being in Coatbridge (IIRC)?
Can I be the first to say jings, crivvens & help ma boab?
Oh, and it can't have been Coatbridge, Duncan. They've hardly got running water there yet, never mind electricity or t'internet. And I lived there for 15 years, so I should know.
[quote comment="373"]
5. Do people think you are Scotch because you are a jovial, generous git with a beard?[/quote]
I was told (by a Scot) that Scotch is a drink, not a nationality. Was that just a regional preference, is it a fact or should I lend it no credence? I wouldn't like to think that I was upsetting folk.
Scotch can be an egg as well. And sticky tape. But no, never a person. 😉
It's interesting though. There are more postings from those south of the border on my blog than above it...I hadn't noticed before, but now I'll be wondering about it...
I through the word in occasionally to wind up people. I once read in a book that the words Scots and Scotch were the same historically. I don't know if it is true, and amn't bothered to find out, or read someone's online research into the differences. People know what the word means.
I think that's a number 3
[quote comment="383"]Wales!!![/quote]
Spoken like a true Welsh(wo)man. Hiya, Kate!
For the record, Wales scores a massive 5, but that's out of 183. (Scores revised after a recount on 18/12/2007).
Yeah, but if you'd written something in Welsh, you may have had more visitors. There's lovely, isn't it. A fine people. Been there 3 times now.
Was there something daft posted here a minute ago, or did I imagine it?
And not "daft" in a drunken Scottish way.
@Scott - Yup, a spammer got past Akismet. Sorted now.
Pesky spammers.
I understand the best way to stop them, mind you, is to set up a social experiment. That pretty much prevents posting activity of ANY sort.
As a fresh user i just wanted to say hi to everyone else who uses this bbs <:-)
What is bumburbia?
I'm not sure. Is it what they used to finish making your brain when they ran out of shit?
@BG! -
Classic reply 😀