Neat idea? – The Bottle Pod

Posted by @ 1:21 pm on Monday 3rd December, 2007.
Categories: Camera kit

I was looking at this curious bottle-pod gadget at

According to the blurb, it'll fit onto any suitable bottle-top up to 38mm dia, presumably it'll also fit other objects with a similarly-dimensioned sticky-up bit, such as a walking pole, maybe? It'll also clamp onto the top edge of a car-window, so maybe it'll also fit onto the pick of an ice-axe?

Next time I put in an order, I'll nab one and see what it's good for. At just £1.99, it's not likely to break the bank.

Edit: I just found that Roman has blogged about similar gadgets, have a look here.

6 Responses to “Neat idea? – The Bottle Pod”

  1. Scott says:

    Ah, NOW I understand. At first glance I understandably assumed that the "pod" bit meant it converted your bottle into an mp3 player. I thought £1.99 was a jolly keen price for such a thing.


    (Ooh - no wee picture smiley things any more.)

  2. BG! says:

    [quote comment="352"]At first glance I understandably assumed that the "pod" bit meant it converted your bottle into an mp3 player.[/quote]

    LOL, Scott. A whole rake of words came to mind when I read your comment... top of the list was "spanner". 😆

  3. Gordy says:

    That'd be handier than the GorrilaPod I've got at the moment I reckon.

    Are not a bit off their coupons charging £3.95 to post a 4cm by 6cm bit of plastic worth two quid though? Or is that just me? :O)

  4. BG! says:

    [quote comment="355"]Are not a bit off their coupons charging £3.95 to post a 4cm by 6cm bit of plastic worth two quid though? Or is that just me? :O)[/quote]

    'Tis a bit steep for just one item, maybe you need to fill your basket with a few more goodies to make it worthwhile. I've just added a couple to my order, when it arrives I'll give one of them a try-out and let you know what it can and can't do.

  5. Gordy says:

    You know, I hadn't even thought of that. Any suggestions?

  6. BG! says:

    [quote comment="358"]You know, I hadn't even thought of that. Any suggestions?[/quote]

    That's very generous of you, MJ. Hold on a minute while I go find my Christmas list. :mrgreen:

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