
Posted by @ 8:48 am on Tuesday 21st December, 2021.

Back in September one of my haematologists arranged for me to have what she called a "third COVID jab".

For some unfathomable reason, that "third" jab has gone on my GP record as having been a "booster" jab.

Now I'm reading NHS articles about having a "vaccine 3rd dose" (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-vaccine-3rd-dose/). That article stresses the fact that "The 3rd vaccine dose for people with a severely weakened immune system is different to a booster dose."




So now we're utterly confused. Have I been double-jabbed and boosted, or triple-jabbed? If I'm called for another shot do I need to be specific about which one (AZ, Pfizer, Moderna, other)? Bearing in mind that my antibody response to my current three shots has been zilch, is it really worth me having another?

Common-sense says "have another jab, it might work". Common-sense also says "don't waste a jab that someone else might need"

Anyway, here's a thing:



"This plan may sound appealing to people who know a little about the immune system, but the drawbacks are clear to people who know a lot about the immune system and also to people who don't know anything about it."

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