We didn't much fancy another full day of walking, as we would need to pack later for our departure early on Friday, so we stayed local and settled for a pleasant lakeside walk - a couple or three miles along Bassenthwaite Lake's western shore. A fair few interesting birds were about but none of them were interested in posing for the camera, so you'll have to make do with pics of less-mobile things:
Binsey again
A late and lonely Leucanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, dog daisy, marguerite)
Looking towards Skiddaw
"Imagine that you're walking through a wood..."
A leisurely lunch was had at the much-lauded local - The Pheasant Inn:
Suitably dressed for the occasion
Despite evidence to the contrary, it was still Thursday
After that we toyed with the idea of spending the afternoon at Dubwath Silver Meadows wetland nature reserve but decided to leave that for another holiday. Instead we took a short stroll back to the cottage for a brew and a few hours of packing up ready for Friday.
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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Good to see some walking posts and pics from you again, after so many about health-related trials and tribulations.
It's been a long time since we were up Bassenthwaite way, nice autumnal pictures despite the grey skies.
Cheers for that, Geoff.
Yes, plenty of grey sky, but not once did it rain while we were outside. And, predictably, that grey sky had done a runner on the day of our departure - have a look at my next post (due sometime today) and you'll see what I mean.