UMapper's now got quite a few more features, the best one is the (beta) ability to import data in GPX, KML and geoRSS formats. Preliminary mucking-about has resulted in me importing a whole load of my Lake District walking routes from the Memory-Map installation on my lappy. Be warned - it takes a while to load. Later on, I'll get around to adding some notes/markers/lines etc., but for now, WYSIWYG.
OK, smartar5e, where did I go wrong? Is it a major fcuk-up?
To be fair, there are a couple of errors in the labelling (errors I made on Memory-Map that got transferred across in the import), I've corrected them but not imported the fixes yet.
Oh, and there's another GPX file (with roughly the same amount of mileage) to be added when time permits.
Due to an unprecedented level of well-intentioned complaints (well, just the one from Scott, TBH), I've reduced the width of the map from 800px to 600px.
Please refrain from parking your vehicles in the spaces either side.
@Scott - Changes? I just like to keep folk happy, generally it's no trouble. The UMapper MotW's not a compy, more of an "editor's pick". I doubt that there'll be prizes involved.
Pandemonium... isn't that some sort of alloy used in tent-poles?
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you missed a bit
OK, smartar5e, where did I go wrong? Is it a major fcuk-up?
To be fair, there are a couple of errors in the labelling (errors I made on Memory-Map that got transferred across in the import), I've corrected them but not imported the fixes yet.
Oh, and there's another GPX file (with roughly the same amount of mileage) to be added when time permits.
I'll iron out the glitches sometime soon.
As you know, I don't understand computers.
But I'm no' entirely sure that map's helping other folk fully enjoy your website, tbh.
@Scott - How's that, then? What would you have me do?
Due to an unprecedented level of well-intentioned complaints (well, just the one from Scott, TBH), I've reduced the width of the map from 800px to 600px.
Please refrain from parking your vehicles in the spaces either side.
@BG! - I feel really guilty now. You shouldn't change stuff 'cos folk ask you to! What will that lead to? Pandemonium, that's what.
Unless you won the umapper competition AFTER you changed it, in which case, three cheers for me.
@Scott - Changes? I just like to keep folk happy, generally it's no trouble. The UMapper MotW's not a compy, more of an "editor's pick". I doubt that there'll be prizes involved.
Pandemonium... isn't that some sort of alloy used in tent-poles?