Archive for August 2009

Perseid party-pooper

Posted by on August 13th 2009 in Astrostuff

According to the weather forecast on Monday, the night skies were to be fairly cloudy on Tuesday and mainly clear on Wednesday. Sadly, it didn't turn out that way. On Tuesday night there were plenty of clear spells during which I managed to sneak out for a quick look around, and there were plenty of Perseid meteors about. I wasn't set up for taking pics, as my camera was off-line due to a sensor-cleaning session. I figured that I could wait another day.

Last night's planned observing session turned out to be a waste of time, as we had fairly comprehensive cloud-coverage here all night. True, there were a few gaps through which the odd trail could be seen, and the clag was thin enough to see when a passing meteor was lighting up the tops of the clouds, but there was no point in setting up the camera.

According to the current forecast there's not much chance that I'll catch the tail-end of the show tonight.

Next year, maybe?

Deep and meaningful stuff

Posted by on August 3rd 2009 in Just for fun

How many five year olds could you take in a fight? 17

What would you taste like to a cannibal? Broiled tofu

Would you eat your buddies in a blizzard? 59%

What are your chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse? 52%

Would you make a good human shield? 55%


Edited to add my results. Looks like I'm just an average bloke  :mrgreen:


Posted by on August 3rd 2009 in Great Escapes, Photo hosting
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We're back from a week of rain-dodging in Dorset. Aside from the usual few days of washing/drying kit and sorting hundreds of pics, there's a more pressing task - the final stage of the photo-hosting move from Zoto to SmugMug. This entails the thankless task of going through every blog post, page and comment here to find and edit all of the links to my pics and albums. There's a fair chance that the blog will have to be taken offline, and an even larger chance that I'll not get it finished by the August 8th deadline.

Of course, this all means that you get a week of respite before I start to bore you with my holiday snaps, so make merry while you can :mrgreen: