Summer's here
Meat-burning made easy with my BBQNordic vertical incinerator 🙄
Summer's here
Meat-burning made easy with my BBQNordic vertical incinerator 🙄
Sky Art
Cherry Blossom
Pear Blossom
Hyphen Fail
Apple Blossom
Post Fail AND Apostrophe Fail
In no particular order...
All that and no mention of elections, volcanic ash or oil-slicks. Hardly news, is it?
We have a couple of families of Song Thrushes in our garden all year, they're always pottering about on the ground, hunting snails and thrashing them against stones to get to their juicy innards.
In times of lasting snow-cover, however, their relatives come to visit, and they come in flocks of 20 or so. The hassle of hopping around looking for ground-based meals is not for them - they're a lot more acrobatic and they use this talent to raid whatever they can find in the fruit-trees...
The visitors are mainly Fieldfares, although there are a few Redwings tagging along.
All three species mentioned are on the RSPB Red List, and all three belong to the same genus: Turdus.
It seems a shame that these likeable little birds have been given such a crappy-sounding Latin moniker.
This morning there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. It wasn't that clear, though:
All of that white fluffy stuff is due to contrails. Oh, and there's a Moon in there somewhere.
Here's an interesting article about the global effects of contrails.
A couple of weeks ago our large Salix babylonica decided to dump an eight-foot long by one-foot dia chunk of rotten wood on the lawn. For safety's sake we had to put the garden out-of-bounds for a while until the experts had had a look at the thing. They recommended pollarding to reduce the weight, remove any deadwood and reduce the "sail".
Yesterday their crew turned up to do the deed...
That's a serious bit of trimming, eh?