More snippets

Posted by @ 12:41 am on Wednesday 5th May, 2010.

In no particular order...


  • The AKU Crodas are wearing-in nicely, they should be ready for a decent walk at the first opportunity. The soles are quite grippy now that the as-moulded shiny slip-on-yer-arse finish has worn off, and the uppers are now a fair fit to my feet.

  • The Trezeta Peaks are now past their best, the toe-rand having worn through down past the membrane. These superbly-comfortable boots never did make it on a proper hike, but they've served well as wear-dailys for all sorts of duties.

  • The Scarpa SLs, of course, are always on stand-by. Like dependable old friends, they're always there when you need them.

  • I've broken a long habit of not wearing any socks other than Thor-Los... I've been trying some cheapo Crane Trail walking socks from Aldi. Tactel-lined and with a light sprinkling of Lycra, they seem to be doing rather well considering the £2.99 price-tag. I doubt that they'll cover the same mileage as my standard KXLs, but that's to be expected when they cost about a tenner less. The STs have been stashed in the kitbox awaiting the next outing of the winter boots.

  • I'm still managing to resist the temptation of a pair of MSR Lightning Ascents in readiness for next winter. What's the betting that when the snow's back, I'm still snowshoeless?

  • Likewise, the acquisition of a Scarp 2 has been resisted, not least because I'm still waiting on the availability of a UK-version fly as per the Scarp 1 changes detailed by Martin. Now that Alpkit are on the subs' bench in the tentage game, I'll have to wait and see what their two-person and geo offerings are like.

  • Talking of outdoorsy stuff, we'll be off for our Annual Wildie together sometime in the next month, with the intention of bagging a few more Wainwrights. Expect details in due course.

  • Furthermore, two family-rooms have been booked at Buttermere YHA for an autumnal weekend. This worked out quite well, as we're paying with Tesco Clubcard Rewards Tokens, our stash having been boosted by 1218 due to the purchase of a new washing-machine from said emporium.

  • There's been much ado in the garden - the snowdrops and daffs have retired, giving way to bluebells and to the blossoms of the pear, the cherry and the plum. Remarkably, I've even got off my butt and done my bit - the lawns have been cut twice and even the hedge has been shorn. The old willow-tree is sending out new growth from where we had it hacked, so there's still hope for it.

  • House-wise I'm back to the hell that is known as plastering. Ella's room needed a revamp, but it seems that the only thing holding up the walls was the wallpaper. Oh well, at least it keeps me off the streets...

  • Blog-wise there are a few new things, not least the addition of a few user-options for comments. Feel free to test them.


All that and no mention of elections, volcanic ash or oil-slicks. Hardly news, is it?

3 Responses to “More snippets”

  1. Scott says:

    Me & my mate Andy were discussing snowshoes the day we tried to get to Bynack More in the Cairngorms, where even the signposts on the path were buried in snow. Our first conclusion was that "ach, you'd use them once, then never need them again". Then we realised we'd had exactly the same discussion a year earlier on Mount Keen.

    This year has been exceptional, mind you.

    The obvious solution is that you should buy those "Lightning Ascents", and then I can borrow 'em next winter if weather conditions require it.


  2. Hendrik says:

    The Lightning Ascents are great, though you might want to wait for the newer versions coming out in October? On the other hand, that's a fantastic offer. Mind you, they won't keep that colour long, mine are losing their sprinkly green airbrush and are revealing their aluminum beauty =)

  3. BG! says:

    I'd nab a pair of those Lightning Ascents if I didn't have to cough up £235 for the car's annual road-tax this month, and the MOT test is due before that, so there's another £40ish gone for the test-fee (and more if it fails the test, of course).


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