Posts tagged 'Tattoo'

One down, one more to go

Posted by on April 22nd 2023 in New tricks for an old dog, Rambling on...
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An update regarding those two resolutions for 2023:


I had those done back in January, and the pics were taken two days later. The text isn't as wonky now that the healing has finished.


Happy New Year, folks!

Only two resolutions for 2023:

1: Tick off that final Wainwright - The Nab. Three times I've had the opportunity, and three times I've not taken it. This nonsense has to stop, so to that end we've booked a week away, based in Hartsop.

2: Get a tattoo. I was all set to get one, then AML foiled the plan, the haemos saying that it was too risky. When that risk subsided, Covid took its place. Right now I don't care too much for any current risk, so I figure that I'd rather have the local tattoo-artist stick needles in me rather than let the NHS have all of the fun.


January 2013 - The Nab - too far away for us to get there, back and down before nightfall.