Posts tagged 'Rugby'


Posted by on October 13th 2019 in On the box

Well, that's next few weekends of rest, relaxation and rugby sorted out.

Yes, I know that the "bronze final" is missing from the second image. Don't blame me, blame the knockout page on the RWC website.


Posted by on March 5th 2019 in Health, or lack thereof

Cycle 2 chemo done and dusted, just waiting for the counts-crash and the reboot.

I'm told that they have found suitable stem-cell donors and are trying to determine which would be the best match, so that's good news. I have no doubts that a match won't be ideal, but anything's better than nothing.

I have a feeling that they will give me the chance to go home this coming weekend. I may well take them up on the offer - there are a few other important matches which will demand my attention:

Helping Auntie

Posted by on March 10th 2013 in On the box

Here you go - a basic visual aid for the Beeb's Six Nations commentary and pundit team, specifically for Lorenzo Bruno Nero Dallaglio:

 "If you're having trouble, here's a little trick to help you remember... they're different words.
You see - they contain different letters which are pronounced differently!
Different words!"


Especially for someone that's half-Italian.