Posts tagged 'Mask'

Go ahead, make my day

Posted by on December 11th 2021 in A bit of a rant, COVID-19, Health, or lack thereof, Shielding
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A question for all those unjustifiably-unmasked and/or unjustifiably-unvaccinated punks out there...

Those of us who care deeply for our health and for the health of those around us, but who have no Covid-resistance despite three jabs, are now having to take drastic measures way beyond having a couple of tiny needles and wearing a simple face-covering.

Two days ago my haematologist advised me to shield again, even though the powers-that-be haven't declared it to be their official policy... yet.
Feel free to whinge and whine all you like about your rights and about your jolly Christmas piss-up being "deferred" - I won't give a flying fuck, as I'll be stuck at home for the third consecutive Christmas.
If I absolutely must go anywhere where there's a risk, I have to wear an FFP3 mask. Here's mine:



To be fair it's a blessing in disguise. The good thing about this mask is that the incoming aerosol filtration is "not less than 99%" effective, so there's little chance of anyone's Covid-bugs getting in. The best thing about this mask is that it has a simple outgoing air valve with no filtration whatsoever, so if I do get infected there's a huge chance that I'll infect you if you're too close and unmasked.

So the next time you get too close and you fancy your chances, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?"

Well, do ya, punk?