Posts tagged 'Cr 189'

Observing Report 10th-11th December 2012 (Part 2 – Away in a manger…)

Posted by on December 12th 2012 in Astrostuff, Observing Reports

Here's another one - M44 - Sir Patrick Moore's favourite object on the Moore Winter Marathon list.

The refractor has introduced some odd colours to the mix, I've left them in and enhanced them because they look a bit Christmassy 🙂

M44 (aka NGC 2632, Praesepe, The Beehive Cluster, Cr 189), an open cluster in the constellation Cancer.
Subs: 12 light @ 300s, darks and bias frames, ISO400.
Spikes added using Noel's Actions.
1000D on the C80ED-R refractor, guided with PHD.