"Your" in luck - New Look have the perfect garb for you:
I had to go clothes-shopping with the girls yesterday - can you tell that I was bored of waiting outside the changing-rooms?
Next time I'll take a thick black permanent marker so that I can go around making appropriate corrections.
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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Free Speech: you may well have the right to it, but you've no right to compel me to a) listen to it, or b) publish it!
That sort of thing really gets my back up. Get your magic marker and go back.
Shouldn't that have been "I was bored with</i. waiting...?
@alan.sloman -
My computery codey stuff is crap - apologies:
Shouldn't that have been "I was bored with waiting"?
@alan.sloman -
Maybe. I think it's a regional thing. It could have been "I was bored by waiting...".
To circumvent such ambiguity I've edited the post - after all, the boredom was universal rather than just because of the waiting.
Look on the bright side - at least I didn't use "of" as a piss-poor substitute for "have". 😈
You're just a naughty boy Stef.
You two should kiss and make up.
Just to clarify matters... that of/have thing was intended as a general gibe rather than being directed at an individual.
@Alen McF - As you're a professional writer maybe you could educate us all here... "bored of...", "bored with...", "bored by..."?
Remember to show your working-out (as opposed to "you're working out") 😀
Things are going to get much worse than this over the next decade. Every 2nd word will have to start with an F and end in G.
I find the direction language is going absolutely appalling. Not that my writing is without fault.
F-ing is now taking over youngster vocabulary so the next generation will be a mess.
Sneak preview of New Look's 2022 maternity top:
Stef, Your too sharp by half.