We had to expand our range of wood-processing tools...
The reciprocating saw and the chainsaw, both Aldi/Ferrex products, are excellent bits of kit. I didn't need to buy any 20/40V batteries or a charger for them, as I already had those for other bits of Aldi/Ferrex equipment.
The reciprocating saw came with a general-purpose blade which will get used for other tasks, but for pruning and timber-cutting I'm using SabreCut SCRS644D and SCRS1531L blades.
For some strange reason the chainsaw was supplied with a 1.3mm gauge chain (91PJ045X) that was tight in the bar, so it was running hot and slow. I replaced that with an Oregon 90PX045E (1.1mm gauge) for a tenner and now it's cutting like a charm.
The Titan Pro Raptor Kindling Wedge was a speculative purchase, bought on eBay during the pre-Christmas sales, and it is proving to be brilliant. So far it's dealt with everything that we've tried to split, from 1" poles to 10" rounds, and it's much safer than a traditional hand-wielded splitting-wedge.
The rest of the tools were already in the stash, so no outlay there.
Going equipped...
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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