As predicted

Posted by @ 9:45 pm on Sunday 17th March, 2019.

Two days ago: "... I suspect that they will find a reason to admit me on Sunday after the check-up results are in."

Sunday: admitted to Ward 41 after a seven-hour wait in the Osborne Assessment Unit, platelet count way down at 17 × 109 cells/L (Normal: 140–400 × 109 cells/L), neither sign nor hint that there are any matched platelets on-site for me.

And now I'm told that I need an MRI scan in addition to the heart test/scan and the breathing test.

Add to that the fact that the Ward Sister can't figure out why I was prescribed Ranitidine pills... as far as we can determine, it was to protect my digestive system from the effects of the steroid treatment that I was having for inflamed heels... but that treatment was Hydrocortisone cream... topical, not oral!!!

This could be a busy week. Plenty of nonsense to get sorted out, plenty of faith in need of restoration, and plenty of rides out in the ambulance. Probably no "blues and twos" though.

Image supplied by CJR.

One Response to “As predicted”

  1. BG! says:

    Monday Update: It turns out that the Ranitidine was to negate the side-effects of an oral steroid which I don't recall being given as an inpatient, and which I certainly didn't take home.

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