It's an improvement of sorts:
At least she fully-blocked only my neighbour's ingress/egress, I had only her driver's side impeding mine.
To be fair, she put in way more effort than the two who visited here earlier...
I'd answered the front door to a bloke who, while looking straight at the adjacent number-plaque which bears a number that's clearly not 20, proceeded to ask me if this was number 20. If that wasn't enough lunacy, about a minute later he (I think it was the same bloke) had made his way up our side-garden path and was trying to get through our garden gate (the one that's marked "Private"), and when I went out of the back door to accost him for trespassing he proceeded to asked me the same question again! He was an estate agent. I was unamused.
And not five minutes later the postwoman dumped a pile of junk-mail through our door. She was unimpressed at being called back from the other end of the close for me to hand it all back to her. She claimed that she had not noticed our opt-out notice or the sign on our letter-box flap:
One of the junk-mails was from Specsavers, I recommended that she should keep it for herself but I think that she was so unobservant that she couldn't see the irony of it.
So, we've had a fair crop of eejuts already, and it's not even lunchtime. It doesn't bode well for the rest of the week.
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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When I lived at Bournemouth I had an Estate Agent park her car (without my permission) on MY drive while she went up the road to show someone a property....
Now I know that parking in Bournemouth in the summer can be difficult but that really annoyed me....
I arrived back from work and parked behind her blocking her exit from MY drive...
I then went on a 40mile bike ride and took my time...
I wonder if she ever tried that trick again.....
I hate Estate Agents !! lol
@Trevor Woodford - Excellent! I'd have liked to have been there to see that.