There's good news for a change - for the first time since diagnosis way back at the end of 2015, all of my key test results are in the green zone. The consultant declared me to be "normal" - a sweeping statement that I soon corrected, much to her amusement. I've not been "normal" ever since the first time my Mum took me, newborn, out in the pram to go to her local butcher's shop. She parked me up outside, went in, bought her pound of flesh and then went home. A while later she realised that two things were missing - me and the pram! 😳 Mentally-scarred for life, I was.
Anyway, the usual caveats apply - in theory the docs could have given me someone else's results again, but I think I'll give them the benefit of the doubt this time.
Here you go:
It's been an interesting journey, thanks for sharing it with me.
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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Given the previous history, beware of confirmation bias.
I am of course (half) joking. That's good news.
Great news. You have done really well both in the recovery and the explanations since you were diagnosed.
@AlanR & @Glen - I know it's off-topic but I have to ask... are you two Rayners related?
That's great news! Best wishes
Cheers for the support, folks.
Their wisdom regarding probability of survival goes something like this:
Or something like that - I may have the numbers wrong but you get the general idea.
But of course it's random, so it could come back tomorrow, and my CR1 (First Complete Remission) status would cease and I'd be back in for more poisoning and uncertainty.
I've been in CR1 for about a year now, so things look a lot more rosy from here. It doesn't play on my mind.
And I can go back to the mountains... Moel Siabod beckons again, and very soon I'll be paying it yet another visit.
Congratulations, if that's the right word; if it isn't quite right it's at least well intentioned.
It's only an opinion but personally I'd rather look at Snowdon from Moel Siabod than join the crowd on Snowdon itself. Enjoy the outing.
Indeed, and not just Snowdon but the others too - they say that it's possible to see 13 of the 14/15/16 Welsh 3000s on a clear day. We could just about make out most of those through the haze the last time I was up there - details and a pic at