I'm packed and ready to go, I'll have to be wary of the road signs, though. Methinks it's a p155-take!
I'm packed and ready to go, I'll have to be wary of the road signs, though. Methinks it's a p155-take!
THE SMALL(ish) PRINT... (updated 23/07/2016)
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Free Speech: you may well have the right to it, but you've no right to compel me to a) listen to it, or b) publish it!
Well, once you're back I trust there'll be some evidence of brigandry amongst the outdoor blogger community.
There isn't that long to go.
(Obviously, if you don't pop into OM now & again (or indeed the Warren Zevon website, which is where I initially found it, the whole pirate thing might be unexpected...)
Ahoy Scott, ye scurvy dug
Ye be barking up th' wrong mast, me hearty - t'was indeed an OM Meet, ye'll be needin' t' parlay wi' "Bloody Anne Kidd" if ye desire th' grimmest heresay o' th' epic battle against th' huge red flyin' beast. I'll pin up some etchins when me wench 'as furled 'er mainsul an' shivered me timber.
Ye can shiver yer own timbers ye old salt, I ain't doing it fer ye! An' the mainsul's draped over banister, it ain't furled yet!
That be th' right answer, but from th' wrong comely wench.
Reckon that'll be I waaaarrrkin' th' plank afore Phoebe's over th' yardarm, if Madame BG casts 'er good eye oe'r this script.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhh bugger.
Lol - you folk seem to have an aptitude for the whole pirate lingo thing. I'm guessing it's not your, er, maiden voyage.
Glad to hear the meet went well & eventfully. The OM mystery guest references finally fall into place!
Stand fast an' hark'n, Master Calico Jack, or ye'll be swillin' th' bilges not th' rum.
Maiden voyage? Many, many tides 've pass'd since I first hoist'd meself up int' th' crows nest 🙂
Fare ye well, Brigand O'Alba
Lol - it's better than the telly, this site. I can almost taste the salty sea air.
Nay, 'tis me baselayers that ye can discern.