According to the consultant at yesterday's out-patient consultation (75 days post-chemo), I'm now a Survivor and no longer a Sufferer.
I'm not cured (they never use that "C-word") but it has been confirmed that I'm in what we all hope is lasting remission. There are no signs of the disease itself but they will monitor me for a year or so while I continue convalescence to repair the damage caused by the treatment. It's mainly physiological (muscle-loss, lack of energy and stamina, lack of eyelashes, lack of pupil dilation etc.) but there are some odd mental effects too (Google "chemo-brain" for further details). The Treatment Summary document states that I may have "late effects" including fatigue, poor concentration and forgetfulness. Oh, and early menopause!
LOL! Like those in charge of removing my TNT access, eh?
Chris informs me that I'm still set up in Lotus Notes.
I suspect that the REQ is well past the SLA date 🙂
FWIW, I'm told that retirement means having no excuses for not doing all of those things for your friends and relations which you didn't have time for before. You won't get any peace now.
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This is all bloody good to hear Sir.
Post normal life is it, then.
Thats good news.
as for the "odd mental effects", at least you'll have something to blame now.
Great news dude, very, very glad to hear it.
As for your effects, I reckon big brains are overated anyway 🙂
Indeed. I'm back to usually being wrong whatever I do or say.
2 rules of marriage :
1. The wife is always right
2. If she is wrong , slap yourself and read rule 1.
LOL! Like those in charge of removing my TNT access, eh?
Chris informs me that I'm still set up in Lotus Notes.
I suspect that the REQ is well past the SLA date 🙂
@BG! - Its now 12 months since the night of the long knives. I am now officially retired.
@Glen - Happy anniversary, Glen!
FWIW, I'm told that retirement means having no excuses for not doing all of those things for your friends and relations which you didn't have time for before. You won't get any peace now.