Archive for June 2011

Not everybody gets a ride in a roller as a birthday pressie

Posted by on June 3rd 2011 in Celebrations, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

Ella turns 16 on Sunday, as part of the celebrations we thought we'd wake her up early this morning with this:



Cruel harsh parents, that's us 😈

Expect a few stills in a while.


Posted by on June 1st 2011 in Blog on Blog, On the box

I can't put into words how I felt when I watched Panorama last night. Probably best if I "lift" Alan's post, paste it in here unedited and then let you follow the links:



This post has nothing to do with the Challenge or windmills. It’s far more serious than that: Could all the readers of this blog PLEASE watch THIS PROGRAMME.

It will take an hour of your time. It’s a Panorama programme put out on Tuesday 31st May about the abuse that happens in care homes. Care homes are usually the last resort for families that can’t cope with a family member and so the family puts their entire trust for the care of their loved one in that of the home.

Watch this documentary and then think to yourself “it could be my father / mother / brother or sister in that situation”.

Visit Shirley’s blog post for a better take on this subject, but please, do watch the programme.

If you could publicise the programme yourself on your own blog, if you have one, or on twitter it would be really helpful too.

Thank you.



Thankfully the authorities have stepped in, four people have been arrested (and released on bail) and the hospital owners have apologised and suspended 13 employees (link).

Well done, Panorama, for representing the Beeb at its best.