Writ large:
The Beeb's article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60744605
Writ large:
The Beeb's article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60744605
It's sad that the crew died while following the orders of a deranged idiot,
but I dread to think how many innocent lives could have been lost if that crew had managed to execute those orders.
Since when did a WWII Luftwaffe Ju88 look like this?
Surely the proof-reader or the copy writer at the MailOnline actually looked at the pic and noticed the insignia before approving the web-story for publication?
Hat-tip to CJR for sending me the link. He reads this drivel, and the fact that it IS drivel is why I don't read newspapers.
It was all over the news earlier this week - the NHS online "What's your heart age?" test.
I took it yesterday.
Bearing in mind that I've had a few "health issues" over the previous eight years I expected a result far in excess of my actual age. It was a bit of a shocker to find that my calculated heart age, according to the test, is a tad lower than my actual age!
I'm due to have my annual Vascular Review tests next week, and when I have the results from those I'll take the Heart Age Test again. Maybe my heart will be even younger later this month!
Take the test yourself - clicking the pic above should take you to the test website.
Just in case you missed the news about the 1400% price-hike:
The announcement: https://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2018/05/introducing-google-maps-platform.html
The reaction: http://geoawesomeness.com/developers-up-in-arms-over-google-maps-api-insane-price-hike/
I expect that my online maps at Google, Map Channels and My Maps + will soon be toast, leaving gaping holes in this blog.
I may well be ditching the GPS in favour of a GFYG.