Archive for the 'In the News' Category


Posted by on March 14th 2022 in In the News, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

Writ large:

The Beeb's article:

BANG! and the dirt is gone

Posted by on March 6th 2022 in In the News, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

It's sad that the crew died while following the orders of a deranged idiot,
but I dread to think how many innocent lives could have been lost if that crew had managed to execute those orders.


Posted by on September 3rd 2019 in In the News, Lost in translation, Name and Shame, On the box

I see that the Beeb's proof-reader still isn't up to the job:

Sloppy work

Posted by on September 17th 2018 in A bit of a rant, In the News, Name and Shame

Since when did a WWII Luftwaffe Ju88 look like this?

Surely the proof-reader or the copy writer at the MailOnline actually looked at the pic and noticed the insignia before approving the web-story for publication?




Hat-tip to CJR for sending me the link. He reads this drivel, and the fact that it IS drivel is why I don't read newspapers.

Young at heart

Posted by on September 5th 2018 in Health, or lack thereof, In the News, On the box, Rambling on...

It was all over the news earlier this week - the NHS online "What's your heart age?" test.

I took it yesterday.

Bearing in mind that I've had a few "health issues" over the previous eight years I expected a result far in excess of my actual age. It was a bit of a shocker to find that my calculated heart age, according to the test, is a tad lower than my actual age!



I'm due to have my annual Vascular Review tests next week, and when I have the results from those I'll take the Heart Age Test again. Maybe my heart will be even younger later this month!

Take the test yourself - clicking the pic above should take you to the test website.

Google Maps Platform pricing revision… insane

Posted by on May 11th 2018 in In the News, Maps

Just in case you missed the news about the 1400% price-hike:

The announcement:

The reaction:

I expect that my online maps at Google, Map Channels and My Maps + will soon be toast, leaving gaping holes in this blog.

I may well be ditching the GPS in favour of a GFYG.