Archive for August 2018

Gardiani latrina vicit

Posted by on August 9th 2018 in Fundraising Folk, Just for fun, Pub Quiz

A charity pub quiz was held at the Red Lion last night.

They say it's not about the winning, it's about the taking part, but we were the only regular Red Lion quiz team in the mix, so it fell to us to uphold the honour and reputation of the home venue. We ended up winning by an unexpectedly-wide margin. I think that the stimulating effect of the excellent curry was a contributory factor.

The event raised over £438 for A Gift To Lift, and a good night was had by all.

You can count yourselves lucky that the winning team's photo-opportunity was declined, so there are no mug-shots of the usual suspects, but here's a snap of half of the Bog Wardens' booty: