Archive for June 2017

Dealt a Yarborough

Posted by on June 1st 2017 in A bit of a rant

Only a week to go until the big day.

When it comes to General Elections I've never had any problems choosing which candidate got my vote... until this one.

We have only four parties vying for the top spot here:

and I have misgivings about all of them.

LibDems: They've had my vote before, and their candidate stands the best chance of ousting our current absentee-landlord, but after Clegg broke his tuition fees pledge while polishing Cameron's buttocks I don't think that I can bring myself to trust the LibDems again.

Labour: Well, when your head honcho has played poker with his cards face-up by ruling out ever using Britain’s nuclear deterrent (thus making it no deterrent whatsoever) and whose credibility on defence is in tatters, who's going to keep the flag flying if Johnny Foreigner decides to take a pop at us? Moreover, there's NATO's Article 5 which say something like "an armed attack against one NATO member shall be considered an attack against them all". In that circumstance what's the top man going to deploy? Sharp sticks? Harsh words? Economic-migrant car-washers armed with wet sponges?

Conservatives: As a party they seem to have it in the bag already, but there's no way that our current candidate will get my vote even if his gaffer was [insert your preferred benevolent deity here]. My views on our current candidate's 30 years as Our Man In Havana At The Conning Towers are well-documented on this blog and don't need repeating here.

So that leaves the Greens. The party that favours ungreen* wind-farms here, there and everywhere. No thanks.

I think it may well be a case of "None of the above".

But I'll still go to the Polling Station even if it's only to bait the tellers.

* Probably not a real word but it seems to fit.