Archive for January 2012

You’re gonna need more monkeys

Posted by on January 4th 2012 in A bit of a rant

According to Wikipedia:

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare."

Well, the WordPress/Jetpack helper monkeys have had another go at my Annual Report.

It's different but it's still wrong.

Here's a clickable copy of the latest version:

They'll probably blame the system, the software or the database but we all know that it's a PICNIC error.

Lies, damned lies and Jetpack statistics

Posted by on January 1st 2012 in A bit of a rant, Celebrations

The email from WordPress contains hype such as:

"Your Annual Report from"... "Your 2011 in blogging"... "Our stats helper monkeys have been busy putting together a personalized report detailing how your blog did in 2011!"

I'm guessing that everybody who's using Jetpack will have received such an email.

Indeed, a quick Google shows that several folk are including details from their reports in their blogs.

Hopefully those folk will have checked the supplied facts and figures - I'd find it hard to believe that I'm the only user to discover that his report is a crock of 5h1t.

Here's a clickable edited copy of the report prepared for me:

FWIW, my editing is based on the same data that was (and still is) available to those WordPress/Jetpack monkeys.

Happy New Year!