Archive for 2012

A class act

Posted by on October 11th 2012 in My vids

Band Night at the local high school* is always a great occasion, the talents of the pupils really do get let loose on the audience.

There's always a good mix of genres - some jazz, some thrash-metal, some pop-classics (usually played by the staff) - but IMO this performance was head and shoulders above the others:


Just in case you're wondering, it's a rip from the DVD that I bought from the school.

Four times I've asked the copyright-holder for permission to post it, and four times I've had no reply.

Hopefully the maxim "Qui tacet consentire" still holds in these matters.

* years 7-9, ages 11-14

Let’s Rock!!!

Posted by on October 9th 2012 in Maps, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

Not this:



That's just a screenshot of the BGS Geology of Britain viewer, you can load the viewer in you browser by clicking here.

You can also generate embed code for sticking interactive maps into blog posts, just like this:

 That's where Ken was a few days ago.

 The BGS also have a few apps for iPhone and Android, I have both the iGeology and iGeology3D apps on my HTC Wildfire and they've been useful for info when out and about. I'd imaging that they'd look and work really well on an iPad or an Android tablet but I can't verify that as I own neither.

That said, the iGeology app works a treat on the XP laptop when running in the BlueStacks App Player:

Cock of Arran

It's a nice bit of kit to have around if you're into that sort of thing.

If it would work in/with Memory-Map etc. then route-planning according to geological features rather than by topography would be a doddle.

Time travel

Posted by on October 4th 2012 in Bargains

Way back on August 15th I pre-ordered Prometheus (DVD + E-copy) from Sainsbury's (they had an offer on and I had some e-vouchers and discount-codes to use, so it cost me next-to-nowt).

The official release date is October 8th.

Today's date is only October 4th, yet Sainsbury's have just sent me an email to say that they've already put my pre-ordered DVD in the post.

How does that work?

Beeb boob

Posted by on October 3rd 2012 in On the box

She's worked for the Beeb for over a decade and they still can't get her name right:


Does anybody there ever check these things?

Dad, can you get that old guitar down from the attic?

Posted by on September 30th 2012 in Just for fun

Well, it's been gathering dust for a few years now so we figured it was high time it started to earn its keep.

She'll have to grow into it, of course:


Fusion food

Posted by on September 26th 2012 in Rambling on...
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Some things are just plain wrong: