Archive for July 2010

Package 1

Posted by on July 11th 2010 in Astrostuff, Making stuff
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You'll recall that during my previous observing session the link between my focuser and my SkyWatcher Auto-Focuser stepper-motor broke. Here's a pic showing the setup, the link is the 2-part ally gubbins that links the drive-shaft of the stepper-motor (on the right) to the shaft of the focus-adjuster (on the left):

Here is a couple of shots of the offending article:

It works in a peculiar way... the small end is attached good and proper to the shaft of the focus-adjuster by means of a grub-screw that clamps onto a flat on the shaft. No problems there. The attachment to the drive-shaft of the motor, however, is rather odd. It works by friction, using an internal O-ring that is compressed around the shaft by screwing together the two parts of the link. It doesn't like changes in temperature (too warm and the O-ring deforms and spins, too cold and it contracts and doesn't grip tightly. Oh, and there's always some flex and hence backlash due to the "flexible" nature of the O-ring/shaft connection. It was destined to fail, and indeed did so.

So, a better-engineered solution was required. Something so simple that a child could use it.

Step forward Package 1. This contained a good-old-fashioned Meccano 4-hole brass coupling:

As supplied, the fit to the focus-adjuster shaft was perfect. The motor drive-shaft, however, has a larger diameter, so I had to run a drill-bit half-way down the coupling to open it up a tad. From then on, fitting it was child's play, using proper screws to attach to the flats on both shafts.

Now it's a good and solid link, just as it should be, with no chance of slippage and no backlash due to the motor torquing itself against any resistance from the focuser.

In short, it's a proper job:

There must be a proper word for it…

Posted by on July 8th 2010 in Shiny new kit

... that feeling of expectation when you know that there are goodie-filled parcels inbound.

:mrgreen:   :mrgreen:   :mrgreen:

Stay tuned for updates as and when...

Observing Report 5th-6th July 2010 (A breakdown on the M15)

Posted by on July 7th 2010 in Astrostuff, Observing Reports, Pics

I got out to my obsy again last night, hoping to get some decent views during the prolonged gaps between regular bands of cloud. Surprisingly, the seeing was quite good considering the day had been hot and the night was still warm. I managed to get some dSLR pics of some Messier objects before the link between my focuser and its motor broke. The breakage meant that I didn't get any dark or flat frames as I was too busy trying (in vain) to cobble together a quick and temporary fix. Nevertheless, I've managed to process out most of the usual spoilers and end up with a reasonable image of M15 (aka NGC 7078), a globular cluster in the constellation Pegasus:

M15 (aka NGC 7078), a globular cluster in the constellation Pegasus.
Subs: 30 light @ 60s, no darks, no flats, ISO200.
D50 and MPCC on the C8N, guided with PHD.

 As previous but with added spikes

The rest of the pics weren't any use so I've chucked them. Besides, I've no time to faff with them anyway - tomorrow I have a focuser to fix.


Posted by on July 3rd 2010 in Blog on Site

I thought I'd share a few bits that I found on the interwebnet yesterday:

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. Forget the subject matter and consider the underlying principle. This should be mandatory reading for the clueless.

A brilliant disclaimer. Scroll down to and read the red text.

CRKT Eat'N Tool. Only $6.99 for a spork, bottle opener, screwdriver/pry tip, metric wrenches and carabiner multi-tool. Looks like a bargain cool gadget but check out the shipping costs... a shade under $30 to have one 1.5oz item shipped to the UK? No thanks.