Archive for the 'Rambling on…' Category

Sent to the naughty step

I consider myself to have been justifiably chastised, and I've been "encouraged" to start making amends. I'll probably go for the month-per-post approach, with post titles taking up where the titles following the previous long hiatus of late 2015 left off. The next post should cover the previously-uncovered bits of October 2019. I'll try to keep the medical side short and sweet, but to be fair there's not much else with which to pad it out...

but I bet I could find some shite like this if I was to trawl through my photos:

This Wednesday's crop. Harsh invective was dispensed.

One for the Norwich Outlaws

Posted by on November 13th 2018 in Rambling on...

As the Pub Landlord would say: "Flat? It's not even level!"


Kipper tie’s gon cowd

Posted by on November 12th 2018 in Rambling on...

It's been a few years since I mentioned Captain Scott's Strong Blend Tea. Back then, it was touted as the same "original blend" that Scott's Terra Nova Expedition took to the wastes of Antarctica.

It's seen a few changes. The original box, riddled with errors which were discussed here, was corrected fairly rapidly. A later version included the stupid notion that it could be both the "original blend" and "improved" at the same time. I had words with Mr. Cohen's lackeys and a new version was released soon afterwards with the claim "improved" removed, and with "strong" promoted to "extra strong". At some point someone removed the blurb which told of their support of the programme for the preservation of Scott's huts in Antarctica. The final version looks like this:



I say it's the final version because it's nowhere to be found in Jack's Emporium - it's been discontinued. The box pictured above is the last one in my stash. If I'd known beforehand that the product was due to be canned, I'd have bought the whole stock and buried it in a supply-dump somewhere in the snow.

Below is their replacement offering. It's not got the same heroic appeal, and I've no idea how it tastes as I'm yet to try it, but I suppose I'll have to give it a go. You never know, it might be the same stuff in a different box:


Young at heart

Posted by on September 5th 2018 in Health, or lack thereof, In the News, On the box, Rambling on...

It was all over the news earlier this week - the NHS online "What's your heart age?" test.

I took it yesterday.

Bearing in mind that I've had a few "health issues" over the previous eight years I expected a result far in excess of my actual age. It was a bit of a shocker to find that my calculated heart age, according to the test, is a tad lower than my actual age!



I'm due to have my annual Vascular Review tests next week, and when I have the results from those I'll take the Heart Age Test again. Maybe my heart will be even younger later this month!

Take the test yourself - clicking the pic above should take you to the test website.

This could go either way #2

Posted by on July 6th 2018 in Rambling on...

Further to the planet-saving dilemma mentioned in my previous post...

how the Hell do I dispose of "notblack" plastic plant-pots? says they they CAN go in the blue bin:

But says TWICE that they are UNSUITABLE:

I give up.

HBBC... Consistently Inconsistent since 1974.

Maybe it's the Council that needs to be recycled.

This could go either way

Posted by on July 5th 2018 in Rambling on...

Trying to do our bit to save the planet...

the lives of over 7 billion people could hinge on this one decision...

can this plastic pot go in the recycling bin?


The recycling symbol says that it can be recycled:


But the Council rules say that it can't:


Maybe they could recycle only the outside?