Archive for the 'Lost in translation' Category

Does Dan Quayle work at Tesco?

Posted by on February 9th 2018 in Lost in translation, Name and Shame

Who else would put an "e" in potato?

Aside from that, the notion of there being P/Toe in my soup is a little unsettling.

Here's the blast from the past:

How do you like your… stake?

Posted by on January 26th 2018 in In the News, Lost in translation, Name and Shame, On the box

It's going from bad to worse at the Beeb:

Well done!

Auntie has a dicky ticker

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous grammar
Or to take arms against a sea of illiterates...


Here's evidence that The Beeb uses your licence fee to pay infant-school kids to input data - this sample of their output is from today's BBC News:

That was at 14:42. They must have been kept back after school to do it again - by 16:36 they'd posted a different yet still flawed version:

Boxer Rebellion

Posted by on December 9th 2017 in Lost in translation

I can just imagine the kicking and screaming of the chefs as they are shoe-horned into the containers at the start of their shift:


They'll escape soon enough though - the sodding lids never stay on for long.

A sign of the times

Posted by on October 30th 2017 in LMAO!, Lost in translation

Looks like I've fallen behind again. There's plenty to post about, but not always plenty of time to post.

I'll start at the stagnant end of the gene-pool and work my way across to cleaner waters.

Here's your starter for ten:




It's heartening to see that someone else tried to apply a suitable spelling correction.


Posted by on December 19th 2016 in LMAO!, Lost in translation
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Nice chocs, rubbish ad: