Summer Hols 2009 – Dorset – around West Bay

Posted by @ 9:31 pm on Friday 11th September, 2009.
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Well, I've eventually managed to find time to deal with a few of the holiday snaps. I won't bore you with a load of text - you can have the story in pictures instead. You can expect a few more posts like this over the next few days.

Let's start with 14 pics taken around West Bay - just click the pic below to get the others:


4 Responses to “Summer Hols 2009 – Dorset – around West Bay”

  1. Fantastic picture of Colmer's Hill! One of the best - if not the best - I've ever seen, and I've seen plenty. Almost every photographer in West Dorset has had a crack at trying to capture Pudding Basin Hill (as it's also known) at some point and very few have succeeded in getting its shape and atmosphere and tree-topped crown right. I'm impressed!

    PS I like Bearded Git as a moniker...
    PPS There was a poem written about Colmer's Hill once by a chap called Maurice Barnes, who was for a while (I'm pretty sure) the only millionaire in the country who worked as a car-park attendant. He just liked the job. Strange but true.

  2. BG! says:

    Thanks for the praise, Jonathan. FWIW, I snapped the pic from East Cliff above West Bay. It's a crop from a frame that I took with the D50 + 70-300mm zoom, then mangled with Photoshop.

    Feel free to share that poem here if you want - it's about time this blog had a bit of culture!

  3. Christina says:

    It's such a lovely photo - we were wondering if we could use it on our website/leaflet? We are just setting up our new, family-run bed and breakfast, and need some good pics! This would be perfect, but obviously won't use it unless you say it's ok to. Our website with contact details is:

  4. BG! says:

    @Christina - Thanks for that, Christina, I'll contact you via your website.

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