
Posted by @ 12:44 am on Sunday 20th November, 2016.

The latest monthly out-patient consultation at LRI was a belter. I managed to prise some interesting info from the consultant, info that clarifies the current ferritin issue.

So... the dodgy result of the test prior to the first venesection... they admit that it is spurious, but can't confirm whether it's a bad test, a bad result or someone else's result. If it's the latter then I pity the other wronged patient who probably has a result of ~1675 instead of 998 on his/her record and who may have been given treatment based on it. Either way the result clearly wasn't representative of my ferritin level at the time and I've been advised to ignore it, therefore it has been interpolated on the following chart which now shows a clear downward trend and which is up to date with almost all ferritin test results:



I say "almost" because of the second revelation... nobody told me at the time, but way back in July they did a ferritin test and the result was a staggering 2887 × 10-6 g/L, that's over 14 times the upper limit! I know that at that time we were waiting for my Hb to rise to an acceptable and stable level, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't have told me about the test result. I suspect that I wasn't told because my July consultations were with Prof. H.. I've had run-ins with her before and she's always stingy with information, I suspect that it's a "Knowledge is Power" thing. Whatever the reason, I really can't be arsed to re-jig the chart to show where the result plots.

The bloods are holding up fairly well considering that I have a bit of a snivelling cold and that I had a flu-jab a week before. The latest newts result shows as just a minor droop of the line, nothing to worry about:



It's taken a while, but I now have confirmation of which type of AML I was fighting. AML Type FAB M2.

Out-patient consultations at LRI to continue at 4-week intervals, venesections at LGH to continue at 3-week intervals.

Nothing else to report.

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