Observatory progress – Phase 6 – It works!

Posted by @ 6:24 pm on Friday 29th May, 2009.

11 Responses to “Observatory progress – Phase 6 – It works!”

  1. George says:

    Bit disappointing really, I was expecting it to open up Thunderbirds stylee 😈 😆 😆

    You really should add this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vpMy14XiBw

    All joking aside; it looks pretty smart. Do you manually move the roof?

  2. alan.sloman says:

    Wowza Stef!

    Pretty impressive (perhaps could do with a few more bits of diagonal bracing above the lower diagonals in the opposite direction? - I am a belt and braces man...)

    Still - totally impressed!

  3. BG! says:

    Originally Posted By George
    Do you manually move the roof?

    For now, yes, but I've got a small motor that I'll add on sometime soon :mrgreen:

  4. BG! says:

    Originally Posted By alan.sloman
    ... (perhaps could do with a few more bits of diagonal bracing above the lower diagonals in the opposite direction? - I am a belt and braces man...)

    I need to make a mod to the shed-wall first, then I'll see if any extra bracing is needed.

  5. scott says:



    I had no idea that would happen when I clicked "play" on the video. You can imagine my delight when it did, because I was conscious that I was about to watch a video of a garden shed.

  6. Kenny says:

    I've been playing this clip for the last 5 minutes...I am a truly sad individual who needs to get out more. Was disappointed that there was no big shiny rocket emerging from an underground bunker below the shed, but I'm sure you'll be working on that next.

    All in all a fantastic piece of engineering Stef 🙂

  7. BG! says:

    Ken, you can't be as sad as me - I was the fool who stood there taking pics after deciding that a bit of time-lapse photography would be a good idea 😐

  8. Hendrik M says:

    Wow, that is a sweet piece of engineering and craftsmanship! As scott, I wasn't sure what to expext, and this is definitely great. I am looking foorward to the astro photos =)

  9. Jamie says:

    OMG! I've been looking every few weeks at the progression of this project of yours BG... Impressed would be a major understatement! Brilliant!

  10. BG! says:

    Cheers for the plaudits, folks.

    Since this post, the roof has been finished and the interior fitted with all sorts of paraphernalia to make it comfy and functional. I'll get some pics together and bore you all with another update sometime soon :mrgreen:

    Kate was right when she said I was certifiable 😎
    ( http://www.outdoorsmagic.com/f.....57/v/8/sp/ )
    Cheers for the link on Bennachie, Jamie 🙂

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