Archive for the 'Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)' Category


Posted by on November 22nd 2018 in Health, or lack thereof, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

Another blood-test and consultation today. The results were a bit of a mixed bag... platelets, WCC and neutrophils have all risen a tad but remain well below bottom-limit. Hb has dropped again and is now slightly below bottom-limit. They didn't give me a result for serum ferritin but from the way I feel I suspect that it has risen again. The nerdy counts charts have been updated.

The consultants aren't sure what's going on. The previous three times I was there I've been told that it might be t-MDS (therapy-associated myelodysplastic syndrome), then that t-MDS had been diagnosed, then that I have t-MDS. Now I'm told that I have neither t-MDS nor relapsing AML. In short, they know what it isn't, but they don't know what it is.

I was told that I am now over their two-year hurdle so it's likely I'll make five. I beg to differ - I feel like I'm stuck with one leg either side and my nuts squashed against the woodwork.

I may ask for a second opinion from someone who claims to know about what's known and what's not:

We're in "watch & wait" territory. Another blood-test three weeks hence, then a blood-test and consultation three weeks after that.


If there's one lesson to be learned, it's this:

When I get concerned about a result that's much worse than the trend, I'm told that it's a blip because it's out-of-context...

But when they triumphantly announce a result that's ever-so-slightly better than the trend, I'm told that it's a sign of recovery even though it's out-of-context.

What the fox going on in the garden?

Posted by on October 27th 2018 in In the garden, My vids, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

It may well be the back-end of October but the garden still thinks that it's late summer.

The tomatoes are still putting out flowers and fruit:



And the raspberries aren't finished yet:


And there's this critter which has set off our CCTV cam a few times recently:


We're still waiting for the hedgehogs to put in an appearance.

Holed just above the waterline

Posted by on September 18th 2018 in Health, or lack thereof, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

Blood counts were a bit off at last week's consultation - platelets , WCC and neuts were the lowest they've been for over two years, with the platelets and WCC both under their lower acceptable limits. With that in mind, they had me in for precautionary tests today.

It wasn't the usual "needle in the arm" job:

As you can imagine, it is, literally, a pain in the ass. It's not the aspiration that hurts, it's the trephine.

Results next week, unless they find something that needs urgent attention.

Cautionary note: the YT clip can be viewed in a Bing video search without any restriction, but viewing it directly on the YT site requires a Google sign-in for age-verification and then throws up a "This video may be inappropriate for some users." warning.

I’m Siri I Haven’t a Clue

Posted by on January 21st 2018 in LMAO!, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)

At Tuesday's pub quiz at the Red Lion I was asked if I "do social media". My response was "No, unless you count blogging as "doing social media"". Maybe the following explains why I'm not a part of the herd:


Auntie has a dicky ticker

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous grammar
Or to take arms against a sea of illiterates...


Here's evidence that The Beeb uses your licence fee to pay infant-school kids to input data - this sample of their output is from today's BBC News:

That was at 14:42. They must have been kept back after school to do it again - by 16:36 they'd posted a different yet still flawed version:

Observing Report 17th-18th November 2017 (Leonid meteors session 2)

Posted by on November 20th 2017 in My vids, Observing Reports, Video (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
Tags: ,

Over 650 pics... plenty of clouds and more than a few planes, but only two Leonid meteors.
I'll post separate pics of them later, but for now here's a time-lapse of 45-second frames compiled to play at 2fps.
Leonid meteors at UTC 03:05:12 and at UTC 05:00:15
It's best viewed in full-screen after it has finished buffering.

Canon 1000D, 10-18mm zoom @ 10mm, F5.6, ISO 800, captured with APT v 3.33 (
Post-processing with PS CS3, Irfanview, K3CCDTools3 and VDub.